Daily Enrollment Dashboard

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Data Visualization Narrative: 

Headcount by campus

The dashboard provides an overview of student enrollment by headcount at New Mexico State University's Las Cruces Campus, including both Main and NMSU-Global. The report tracks the number of students registered for at least one credit and compares data between Fall 2023 and Fall 2024. As of August 9, 2024, with 29 days remaining until the census, the headcount shows an increase in enrollment. a noticeable increase in graduate student enrollment, rising from 2,014 in Fall 2023 to 2,307 in Fall 2024. Undergraduate enrollment also saw growth, with the headcount increasing from 11,365 in Fall 2023 to 11,765 in Fall 2024. 

In total, the combined headcount for graduate and undergraduate students increased from 13,379 in Fall 2023 to 14,072 in Fall 2024. The longitudinal headcount graph illustrates the enrollment growth leading up to the census for Fall 2023 and Fall 2024. The Fall 2024 enrollment, represented by the maroon line, shows a steady and consistent increase, starting with a rapid rise and maintaining higher numbers throughout the period compared to Fall 2023. The gray line for Fall 2023 also indicates growth but remains consistently below the Fall 2024 levels. As the census date approaches, the lines converge, but Fall 2024 maintains a higher headcount, reflecting successful efforts in boosting enrollment and effective recruitment strategies. 

The dashboard allows filtering by Campus and Student Level.    

Student Credit Hours by Campus

The dashboard provides an overview of student credit hours (SCH) at New Mexico State University, focusing on both the Main Campus and NMSU-Global. It compares data between Fall 2023 and Fall 2024 as of August 9, 2024, with 29 days remaining until the census. 

In Fall 2024, there is an increase in total student credit hours from 163,491.5 in Fall 2023 to 171,569.5. This growth is driven by an increase in graduate student credit hours at the Main Campus and NMSU-Global. Graduate SCH at the Main Campus increased from 9,965.0 to 10,708.0, while NMSU-Global saw a more significant increase from 4,680.0 to 6,221.0. Undergraduate SCH remained stable, with a slight decrease on the Main Campus from 138,514.5 to 138,160.5, but an increase at NMSU-Global from 10,332.0 to 16,480.0. 

The bar chart on the right visually shows the growth in student credit hours, particularly among graduate students, which shows a noticeable increase for Fall 2024 compared to Fall 2023.  

The longitudinal line graph shows that student credit hours (SCH) for Fall 2024 consistently exceed those of Fall 2023 at New Mexico State University. The maroon line (Fall 2024) remains above the gray line (Fall 2023) throughout the period leading up to the census, indicating a successful increase in SCH. This reflects effective enrollment strategies and higher student engagement for Fall 2024 across both the Main Campus and NMSU-Global. 

The dashboard allows filtering by Course Campus and Course Level. 

Headcount Heatmap by collage, division, Department 

The dashboard provides a longitudinal overview of student headcount at New Mexico State University's Las Cruces Campus, encompassing both the Main and NMSU-Global campuses. The data compares student enrollment trends for Fall 2023 and Fall 2024, specifically within the Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences college. The graph tracks the count of students registered for at least one credit as the census date approaches. As indicated, the maroon line representing Fall 2024 shows a steady and consistent increase in student headcount, surpassing the gray line, which represents Fall 2023. Early on, the Fall 2024 headcount experiences a rapid rise and maintains higher enrollment numbers throughout the period leading up to the census. The lines gradually converge as the census date nears, but Fall 2024 consistently stays ahead, reflecting growth in enrollment compared to the previous year. 

The departmental heatmap in the dashboard offers a detailed view of the year-over-year (YoY) percentage changes in student enrollment, The heatmap shows an overall increase in enrollment, with the grand total rising from 1,384 in Fall 2023 to 1,463 in Fall 2024. The color-coded heatmap visually represents these changes, where blue indicates growth, and orange/red signifies a decline. The animal and range sciences enrollment in this department grew from 485 to 522, with undergraduate numbers rising from 466 to 498. The growth here indicates the department's continued appeal to students. Family and Consumer Sciences, unlike other departments, this area experienced a slight decrease in total enrollment from 240 to 224, with both graduate and undergraduate numbers declining. 

The dashboard also allows users to filter the data by campus, student level (undergraduate or graduate), and other academic divisions, providing a detailed analysis of enrollment trends within specific segments of the university. 

Student credit hours heatmap by college, division, Department  

The dashboard presents a longitudinal analysis of Student Credit Hours (SCH) for the Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences division at New Mexico State University, including both the Main and NMSU-Global campuses. The data compares the SCH trends between Fall 2023 and Fall 2024, showing how credit hours have accumulated as the census date approaches. The graph reveals that the SCH for Fall 2024 (represented by the maroon line) shows a consistent increase, closely tracking alongside the SCH for Fall 2023 (represented by the gray line). Early in the period, the Fall 2024 SCH quickly rises and maintains higher values compared to Fall 2023, indicating a growth in student engagement and course enrollment. As the census date nears, the lines begin to converge, but Fall 2024 consistently remains slightly above Fall 2023, reflecting a positive trend in the overall credit hour accumulation. 

The departmental heatmap by year-over-year (YoY) percentage change provides a comprehensive overview of the changes in student enrollment within the Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences division at New Mexico State University from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024. The heatmap visually represents the growth or decline in enrollment across various departments, with blue shades indicating growth and orange/red shades indicating a decline. The total enrollment for the division increased from 13,995 in Fall 2023 to 14,847 in Fall 2024, reflecting an overall positive trend. Animal and Range Sciences enrollment in this department increased slightly from 3,721 to 3,945, with the undergraduate level seeing a minor increase from 3,618 to 3,817. Graduate enrollment grew modestly from 103 to 128, indicating a slight upward trend. Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism management enrollments increased from 1,099 to 1,126, but the graduate level decreased from 54 to 33 and the undergraduate level increased from 1,045 to 1,753.  

The dashboard also allows users to filter the data by campus, student level (undergraduate or graduate), and other academic divisions, providing a detailed analysis of enrollment trends within specific segments of the university.