Program Enrollment Trends

Data Visualization Narrative: 

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The dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of program enrollment trends at New Mexico State University's Las Cruces Campus within the Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences College, covering the period from Fall 2015 to Fall 2021. The data highlights fluctuations in enrollment across various undergraduate programs, allowing for a detailed understanding of how student interest has shifted over the years. For instance, the Agricultural and Extension Education programs, particularly the MA-ACED-BS.AG and MA-AXED-BS, have seen a decrease in enrollment, with the latter dropping from 66 students in Fall 2015 to 48 students in Fall 2021. Similarly, the Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business programs have experienced a decline, notably in the MA-AEAB-BS program, which decreased from a peak of 133 students in Fall 2016 to 93 students in Fall 2021. 

In contrast, The Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management program (MA-HRTM-BS) also saw a significant reduction in student numbers, from 219 in Fall 2015 to just 100 in Fall 2021. Meanwhile, the Plant & Environmental Science department exhibited mixed trends, with the MA-AGRO-BS and MA-HORT-BS programs maintaining stable enrollment, while the MA-ENVSC-BS program showed a slight increase, peaking at 60 students in Fall 2021. 

Overall, the total enrollment across all programs within this college declined from 1,485 in Fall 2015 to 1,310 in Fall 2021.  

The dashboard also allows users to filter the data by college, department, program and other student level, semester level, time span and major type.  

Compare enrollment trends among colleges. 

The dashboard provides a comparative analysis of enrollment trends across various colleges at New Mexico State University from Summer 2011 to the present, covering data from Fall, Spring, and summer semesters based on third Friday census records. The visual representation shows how enrollment numbers have evolved over time within the colleges of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (AG), Arts and Sciences (AS), Business (BA), Engineering (EG), and Health, Education, & Social Transformation (HE). 

Notably, the College of Arts and Sciences (AS) consistently had the highest enrollment, starting at 5,692 students in 2011. However, there has been a significant decline over the years, with current figures at 4,076 students. The College of Health, Education, & Social Transformation (HE) has maintained stable enrollment numbers, starting at 2,964 students in 2011 and gradually decreasing to 2,505 students in 2021. Similarly, the College of Engineering (EG) has shown slight fluctuations, beginning at 2,079 students, and experiencing minor decreases over the decade. In contrast, the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (AG) and the College of Business (BA) have both experienced consistent declines in enrollment. The AG college started with approximately 1,713 students in 2011 but has since declined to 1,310 students. The BA college followed a similar downward trend, decreasing from 1,931 students in 2011 to 1,310 students in 2021. 

Overall, the data reveals a general decline in enrollment across most colleges since 2011, with the College of Arts and Sciences experiencing the most significant drop. The dashboard also allows users to filter the data by college, semester type and student level.