About Institutional Analysis

NMSU Institutional Analysis is part of NMSU's Institutional Effectiveness unit. Our core mission is to serve New Mexico State University as the official source of data for internal and external audiences. It is our goal to provide timely and accurate data, information, and analyses to support data-informed decision-making across the university and the university system.

Institutional Analysis produces numerous reports, many mandated by state and federal agencies, about New Mexico State’s students, faculty, staff, courses, degree programs, and a wide variety of other subjects. Much of this information is available through the IA website and can be used to support reporting activities performed by campus units. The Data Request From may be used to request information that is not readily available on the OIA website.

Institutional Analysis will attempt to meet all requests for information and assistance that are consistent with our mission. Due to the high volume of data requests, requests are prioritized according to Institutional Analysis function and areas of primary responsibility.

Members of Institutional Analysis

Calixto Melero


Email: calixto1@nmsu.edu 

Phone: 575-646-2098

Kate McGowan

Institutional Researcher, Lead

Email: kmcgowan@nmsu.edu 

Phone: 575-646-1328

Ben Baker 

Institutional Researcher, Sr

Email: bakerbd@nmsu.edu 

Phone: 575-646-1720


Institutional Researcher

